Saturday, June 20, 2015

Quick update...

....more to follow!

We've been swamped around here -- in some cases, LITERALLY!  I think we've had 5-6 inches of rain in the last week, so the road in front of our house is often a river, the grass needs to be mown, but it's too wet, get the picture. husband's company's latest game arrived, so we unloaded 4.5 tons off a semi, and processed about 1500 packages in a matter of days. Whew.

So.... I'll take pictures today and tomorrow, and post them -- everything is growing!

I have harvested lettuce, and pulled of the ones that were bolting.  More on the way, and I need to plant some more.

Harvested beets and made barszcz (Polish beetroot soup) for my oldest, who lived in Poland for a school year as a Rotary Youth Exchange student.  Picked several zucchini already -- LOVE fried zucchini slices.  The yellow zucchini are not doing as well, tending to rot.  I'll have to take a look and see if I can figure out why.

the first zucchini!'s the road in front of our house, doing it's best imitation of a river.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Fresh Strawberries, and a Squash Coveter

It's been a couple of glorious weeks weather-wise -- rain, then warmth.  I've been doing a lot of weeding and working in other parts of the yard, but the kitchen garden is doing incredibly well!

My mom and Aunt Mary stopped by today on their way from Aunt Mary's home near Columbus, OH, to my parents' place in Southern IL.  They picked and ate strawberries right off the plant, and took some fresh picked radishes with them.  Mom was eyeing the squash, and suggested I plan a trip down to their place that just happened to coincide with when the squash would be ready to harvest.  :-)

The strawberries look great, too:

The tomatoes will be blooming soon.  I broke down, and bought another tomato plant:  German Queen.  It's another heirloom.  Of course, a matter of days after I bought it, I noticed that one of the Polish Linguisa (paste) tomatoes had sprouted.  So.....I'll have Hungarian Hearts in honor of Brigitte's year as a Rotary Youth Exchange student, Polish Linguisa in honor of my son Erick's year in Poland (2011-2012), German Queen for my husband's German heritage.  Now I just have to find something Czech to plant for MY heritage (half Bohemian/Czech and basically half German).  HMMM.....

 Here's the German Queen!

 Hungarian Hearts are looking great.  Once they get to be about 3 feet tall, I'll take off some of the lower branches to reduce the risk of infection, etc., from the soil.

I'm also going to start adding crushed egg shells to the soil -- apparently that is good for slow calicium release which can reduce the chances of blossum end rot

Let's see.....what else is there to show you?  Lots of carrots, and it's about time to harvest the Tennis Ball buttercrunch lettuce -- it's starting to bolt.

While cleaning out the garage, I found this wooden composter I had forgotten I even had!  So I set it up.  It's already almost full of weeds, etc., that I've pulled -- it was overflowing 2 days ago, and the level is already down one entire board.  Amazing how quickly that happens!

The pole beans are starting to twine up the bean tower.  A couple of the cucumbers are starting to inch out onto their frame, and the watermelon is sending out tendrils which I'm guiding onto the flat grid I set up for them.

I have more baby radish seedlings, and now some turnip seedlings.  The Giant Caesar lettuce is coming along nicely, and the basil FINALLY decided to sprout.  The zinnias are budding, and I have marigolds, volunteer and intentionally planted, blooming all over the place.

Have a glorious weekend!  Next up for me is weedwacking the ditch!